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World Wide Web

The WorldWideWeb (W3) is a wide-area hypermedia information retrieval initiative aiming to give universal access to a large universe of documents.Everything there is online about W3 is linked directly or indirectly to this document, including an executive summary of the project, Mailing lists , Policy , November's W3 news , Frequently Asked Questions .
What's out there?
Pointers to the world's online information, subjects , W3 servers, etc.
on the browser you are using
Software Products
A list of W3 project components and their current state. (e.g. Line Mode ,X11 Viola , NeXTStep , Servers , Tools , Mail robot , Library )
Details of protocols, formats, program internals etc
Paper documentation on W3 and references.
A list of some people involved in the project.
A summary of the history of the project.
How can I help ?
If you would like to support the web..
Getting code
Getting the code by anonymous FTP , etc.

World-Wide Web Bibliography

The following lists papers and articles anout the W3 initiative and related matters which you may want to pick up for background reading or quote as references. You can of course also quote any page you read with w3 by its document address.

Introduction to W3

T.J. Berners-Lee, R. Cailliau, J-F Groff, B. Pollermann, CERN, "World-Wide Web: The Information Universe", published in "Electronic Networking: Research, Applications and Policy", Vol. 2 No 1, pp. 52-58 Spring 1992, Meckler Publishing, Westport, CT, USA.The global hypertext dream comes true in practice.
Pick up the preprint in postscript form by anonymous FTP to, in /pub/www/doc/, filename

The Whole Internet

Krol, Ed, "The Whole INTERNET User's Guide and Catalog". Sebastopol CA, O'Reilly & Associates, 1992. ISBN=1-56592-025-2.A book all about using the internet, for professionals but not necessarily computer professionals. Has a chapter on WWW specifically, and an appendix with a list of some resources available on the net.

Technical Overview of W3

T.J. Berners-Lee, R. Cailliau, J-F Groff, B. Pollermann, CERN, "World-Wide Web: An Information Infrastructure for High-Energy Phsyics", Presented at "Articicial Inteligence and Software Engineering for High Energy Physics" in La Londe, France, January 1992. Proceedings to be published by World Scientific, Singapore, ed. D Perret-Gallix.Aimed at system managers and software engineers. 9 pages. The W3 architecture diagram, a usage graph, and some examples of hypertext formats, etc.
Pick up the preprint in postscript form by anonymous FTP to, in /pub/www/doc/, filename
( Writenow , postscript )

Line Mode Browser user guide

A dump of the line mode browser hypertext user guide into plain text. Also available in our anonymous FTP archive, to get you started, as /pub/www/doc/line-mode-guide.txt( plain text )

The "W3 Book"

If you want technical details, we recommend browsing the web, for the latest versions of all our thoughts we have had time to type in. If you want to take it on the plane, then we occasionally dump a part of the hypertext onto paper. This is the "World-Wide Web Book".See the introductory page for contents overview.
Around 50 pages, cut down to handy A4 size (like your PC documentation!). Pick it up in postscript or LateX form by anonymous FTP to in /pub/www/doc as files and the_www_book.tex.

Universal Document Identifiers

Naming and addressing discussed, UDI proposal. Produced for the March92 IETF. Also an OSI-DS draft. 14 pages. Pick it up in postscript form or plain ASCII by anonymous FTP from in /pub/www/doc as file or udi1.txt.(postscript, plain text , writenow )

W3, WAIS and x500

Discussion of convergence, what W3 needs from the WAIS and x500 protocols.Also an OSI-DS draft. You can pick it up in postscript form by anonymous FTP from in /pub/www/doc as file

Non-technical articles

Electronic publishing and visions of hypertext

Published in "Physics World", Vol.5 No 6, June 1992. Tim Berners-Lee discusses the impact of global hypertext on academic publishing.

The potential of computer networks (title?)

"The Economist", June 20th-26th 1992, by ???. A four-page feature on the potential of computer networks, mentioning WAIS and WWW. _________________________________________________________________
Tim BL


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